
The Leapfrog Group initiative has led to an increasing public demand for dedicated intensivists providing critical care services. The Acute Care Surgery training initiative promotes an expansion of trauma/surgical care and operative domain, redirecting some of our focus from critical care. Will we be able to train and enforce enough intensivists to care for critically ill surgical patients? We have been training emergency physicians (EPs) alongside surgeons in our country's largest Trauma/Surgical Critical Care Fellowship Program annually for more than a decade. We reviewed our Society of Critical Care Medicine Multidisciplinary Critical Care Knowledge Assessment Program (MCCKAP, critical care in-training examination) scores from 2006 to 2009 (4 years). The MCCKAP, administered during the ninth month of a Critical Care Fellowship, is the only known standardized objective examination available in this country to compare critical care knowledge acquisition across different specialties. Subsequent workforce outcome for these Emergency Medicine Critical Care Fellowship graduates was analyzed. Over the 4-year period, we trained 42 Fellows in our Program who qualified for this study (30 surgeons and 12 EPs). Surgeons and EP performance scores on the MCCKAP examination were not different. The mean National Board Equivalent score was 419 ± 61 (mean ± standard deviation) for surgeons and 489 ± 87 for EPs. The highest score was achieved by an EP. The lowest score was not achieved by an EP. Ten of 12 (83%) EP Critical Care Fellowship graduates are practicing inpatient critical care in intensive care units with attending physician level responsibilities. EPs training in a Surgical Critical Care Fellowship can acquire critical care knowledge equivalent to that of surgeons. EPs trained in a Surgical Critical Care paradigm can potentially expand the intensive care unit workforce for Surgical Critical Care patients.

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