
Calligraphy, as one of the artistic and cultural treasures of China, has a very long history and symbolizes the spirit of Chinese culture. With the advancement of mental health research, calligraphy has become an indispensable force and has gained significant results in the treatment of mental illness. This article summarizes the relationship between calligraphy and human emotions and analyzes the positive effect of calligraphy art therapy on mental health through research on the development of calligraphy therapy.


  • Традиції та інновації у прикладному мистецтві: каліграфія як важлива частина китайської художньої культури та її терапевтичний вплив на психічне здоров’я

  • This article summarizes the relationship between calligraphy and human emotions and analyzes the positive effect of calligraphy art therapy on mental health through research on the development of calligraphy therapy

  • This study focuses on the impact of calligraphy on mental health and the corresponding practical application of this artistic technique

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Біюнь Джан

Що каліграфія — це не лише одна з основ китайської національної культури, але й її ідейний фундамент, що хоч і відіграє важливу роль у психотерапії, та все ж потребує подальшого вивчення та аналізу його унікальних можливостей у галузі охорони здоров’я, що має велике практичне значення. Based on the history of calligraphic therapy, we can give a prognosis that with increasing attention to traditional culture and the development of psychology in China, the amount of scientific research on the use of calli-graphy in the field of mental illness therapy will increase. The impact of earthquake trauma on children’s mind may lead to failure to carry out normal learning and the decline in quality of life For such children is easier and more comfortable to receive calligraphy therapy, which has own cultural value and is an important step in healing of posttraumatic stress response in children, other types of treatment. From a physiological point of view, calligraphy exercises require the correct posture, straight body position, flat feet, preferably in a standing posture and flexibly, which helps to normalize the metabolism

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