
Objectives: The present study aimed at the valorization of Pistacia lentiscus L. (lentisk, mastic tree), hence, an ethnobotanical investigation, phytochemical screening and morphological study of fruits from three areas of northern Algeria was carried out. Methodology and Results: Ethnobotanical data were recorded from herbalists, pharmacists and people living in contact with medicinal plants in the three study areas (Boumerdes, Tizi-Ouzou and Bouira), using a questionnaire to collect as much information on traditional uses and virtues of lentisk. Screening was performed for various biochemical compounds. Biometric measurements and the weight of 1000 seeds from three locations were conducted and compared. According to the data collected, over 90% of the surveys in the three regions have knowledge of lentisk. The consensus value for a part of the plant (CPP) revealed that P. lentiscus fruit represented by the fixed oil is most used in the region of Bouira. However, leaves represent the highest use values in the other regions. A number of diseases treated with P. lentiscus have been identified. These are mainly respiratory and digestive disorders. Lentisk was also indicated for the treatment of circulatory disorders and skin allergies, with varying percentages depending on the region. Phytochemical screening of this plant showed that fruits from different areas were rich in anthocyanins, condensed tannins, Gallic tannins and flavonoids. While they were free of saponosides and alkaloids. A significant difference in the weight of the 1000 seeds and the average seed weight was obtained between the fruits of the three zones, which may be due to climatic factors. Conclusions and application of findings: The results obtained constitute a valuable source of information, which should be the subject of additional pharmacological studies as antimicrobial, antinflamatory, hepatoprotective, and antiatherogenic activities, to validate their popular use and to isolate bioactive compounds that can also be used as ingredients of functional foods. Keywords: Ethnobotany, Pistacia lentiscus L., phytochemical screening, Morphological study

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