
Text vectorization is the basic work of natural language processing tasks. High-quality vector representation with rich feature information can guarantee the quality of entity recognition and other downstream tasks in the field of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The existing word representation models mainly include the shallow models with relatively independent word vectors and the deep pre-training models with strong contextual correlation. Shallow models have simple structures but insufficient extraction of semantic and syntactic information, and deep pre-training models have strong feature extraction ability, but the models have complex structures and large parameter scales. In order to construct a lightweight word representation model with rich contextual semantic information, this paper enhances the shallow word representation model with weak contextual relevance at three levels: the part-of-speech (POS) of the predicted target words, the word order of the text, and the synonymy, antonymy and analogy semantics. In this study, we conducted several experiments in both intrinsic similarity analysis and extrinsic quantitative comparison. The results show that the proposed model achieves state-of-the-art performance compared to the baseline models. In the entity recognition task, the F1 value improved by 4.66% compared to the traditional continuous bag-of-words model (CBOW). The model is a lightweight word representation model, which reduces the training time by 51% compared to the pre-training language model BERT and reduces 89% in terms of memory usage.

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