
In addition to models, methods, and media, another aspect that is also very important in social studies is teaching material. As an essential element in the learning process, teaching materials must have adequate quality. Accordingly, this article is intended to offer a literature overview of oral traditions as material development for social studies in junior high schools, as well as to design conceptual models related to their application. This article is a conceptual article compiled based on the results of literature studies (books, journals, etc.) and document analysis (Core Competencies, Basic Competencies, Syllabus, etc.). There are three findings offered by this article. First, oral tradition is a potential source to be developed into social studies in junior high schools as it contains values of local wisdom and moral teachings which are relevant to the vision of social studies, namely as civic education. Also, oral traditions, which are part of anthropology and history, share the same nature to social study materials-combination of social science disciplines. Second, from several oral tradition variants, the most potent type to be inserted in social study materials are traditional expressions, folk poetry, folklore, and folk songs-by considering three things, namely: a) curriculum relevance; b) richness in value content; c) school environment-related issues. Third, three stages can be done in developing oral traditions as teaching materials, namely: a) analysis stage (identification of oral tradition and its relevance to curriculum); b) design and development stage (determining the form and structure of teaching materials required); and c) implementation stage. DOI: 10.17977/um022v5i12020p051


  • In addition to models, methods, and media, another aspect that is very important in social studies is teaching material

  • design conceptual models related to their application

  • a conceptual article compiled based on the results of literature studies

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Sebagaimana dijelaskan oleh Duija (2005) merupakan segala wacana yang disampaikan secara lisan, mengikuti cara atau adat istiadat yang telah memola dalam suatu masyarakat. Lebih lanjut dijelaskan oleh Danandjaja (2007) bahwa ungkapan tradisional memiliki tiga sifat hakiki, yakni: 1) berupa satu kalimat ungkapan; 2) ada dalam bentuk yang sudah standar; dan 3) mempunyai vitalitas atau daya hidup. Lebih lanjut dijelaskan bahwa nyanyian rakyat mempunyai beberapa ciri khusus yang membedakannya dengan genre folklor lainnya dan juga nyanyian pada umumnya, yakni seperti: 1) berasal dari berbagai macam sumber dan muncul dari bermacammacam media; 2) dalam nyanyian rakyat kata-kata dan lagu merupakan dwitunggal yang tak terpisahkan; 3) mudah berubah-ubah baik bentuk ataupun isinya; 4) peredarannya lebih luas dan berumur lebih tua dibandingkan lagu-lagu lainnya; 5) diwariskan secara lisan sehingga dapat menimbulkan varian-varian. Beberapa Pertimbangan Tradisi Lisan sebagai Materi ajar IPS Sebagaimana telah dibahas di atas, bahwa tradisi lisan memiliki banyak sekali varian, mulai dari bahasa rakyat, cerita rakyat, ungkapan tradisional, nyanyian rakyat dan lain-lain. Adapun bahasa rakyat dan pentanyaan rakyat adalah jenis tradisi lisan yang kurang mempunyai relevansi dengan pendidikan IPS (Tabel 1)

Tradisi Lisan yang Relevan
Mendesain dan Mengembangkan Materi ajar IPS Berbasis Tradisi Lisan
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