
This paper presents the tradeoffs in elastographic imaging. Elastography is viewed as a new imaging modality and presented in terms of three fundamental concepts that constitute the basis for the elastographic imaging process. These are the tissue elastic deformation process, the statistical analysis of strain estimation and the image characterization. The first concept involves the use of the contrast transfer efficiency (CTE) that describes the mapping of a distribution of local tissue elastic moduli into a distribution of local longitudinal tissue strains. The second concept defines the elastographic system and the relationship between ultrasonic and signal processing parameters. This process is described in terms of a stochastic framework (the strain filter) that provides upper and practical performance bounds and their dependence on the various system parameters. Finally, the output image, the elastogram, is characterized by its image parameters, such as signal-to-noise ratio, contrast-to-noise ratio, dynamic range and resolution. Finite-element simulations are used to generate examples of elastograms that are confirmed by the theoretical prediction tools.

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