
The Transport and General Workers was always the colossus of the Labour Movement from its formation through mergers in 1922 under the visionary leadership of Ernest Bevin.4 During the period immediately after the Second World War, it was the largest trade union in the western industrialised world, claiming over 1.3m members by the middle of the 1950s. The TGWU’s massive block vote was used ruthlessly to dominate policy-making at party conference and to decide who sat on the National Executive as well as the all-important Conference Arrangements Committee. Labour leaders always tried to make sure the TGWU was on their side in their inner-party battles. In power and influence, it towered over the other trade unions affiliated to the party.KeywordsTrade UnionParty LeaderLabour PartyCentenary HistoryLabour LeaderThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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