
This qualitative study has the general objective of designing activities with the use of the Google automatic translator, based on authentic material, to develop the language skills of ELE to students, level A2 – B1. The following were proposed as specific objectives to achieve this general objective: explain the use of machine translation in Spanish as a foreign language classrooms; establish the principles for the development of competences with the use of an Automatic Translator, TA in the ELE classroom; integrate principles and criteria in the design of activities with the use of machine translation in the ELE classroom; choose the selection criteria of authentic material for the design of activities with the use of a TA. In the conceptual framework, the key concepts for the development of this study are defined, which are: automatic translation in the ELE classroom, language skills and automatic translators, activities with the use of an automatic translator for the ELE classroom; and authentic material. Regarding the authentic material, a list of different texts with cultural content associated with the main theme of social problems and human rights was made. The following authentic materials were chosen for the design of the activities: a fragment of the Colombian literature book El olvido que seremos, a song, a podcast, posters, a graphic story, and a video, which respond to the development of the competencies proposed in this research. The specific methodology for the design of the activities was taken from what is proposed (Rojas Fierro, 2021). Based on this methodology and the theoretical foundation, five types of translation activities found in the theoretical foundation were chosen, which were adapted for the use of machine translation.

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