
From 1972–1989, Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) dischargedmine tailings into Empress Augusta Bay on the west coast ofBougainville Island, Papua New Guinea. For a decade(1977–1987), trace elements (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Hg and As) weremeasured in muscle tissue and organs of 8 species of tropicalmarine fish common to both the east and west coasts of theIsland. Metal concentrations were not elevated in muscle tissueof west fish compared with those from the east coast.Concentrations of Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd in fish muscle from bothcoasts ranged from 10–15% of recommended maximum residuelimits (MRLs), whereas concentrations of Hg in muscle wereslightly higher, ranging up to ≤ 80% of the MRL (0.5 mgkg-1 Hg wet wt.). Maximum total As concentrations (3.6 mgkg-1 wet wt.) were recorded in the shark (Rhizoprionodon acutus), while highest Hg values (0.76 mgkg-1 wet wt.) were found in hammerhead sharks (Sphyrnalewini) from both coasts. Despite significant temporalvariations in Hg and As concentrations in muscle tissue of somewest coast fish populations (p < 0.05), there was no evidencefor bioaccumulation or biomagnification of any of these metalsduring the 10 yr period, even in the soft organs (liver andkidney) of fish. Several site specific factors contributing toabsence of metals uptake from tailings are discussed.

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