
Since 2012, eight different abnormalities have been described in the THRA gene (encoding the TRα1 thyroid hormone receptor) of 14 patients from 9 families. These mutations induce a clinical phenotype (resistance to thyroid hormone type α) associating symptoms of untreated mild congenital hypothyroidism and a near-normal range of free and total thyroid hormones and TSH (the T4/T3 ratio is nevertheless usually low). The phenotype can diversely include short stature (due to growth retardation), dysmorphic syndrome (face and limb extremities), psychoneuromotor disorders, constipation and bradycardia. The identified genetic abnormalities are located within the ligand-binding domain and result in defective T3 binding, an abnormally strong interaction with corepressors and a dominant negative activity against still functional receptors. The identification of patients with consistent phenotypes and the underlying mutations are warranted to better delineate the spectrum of the syndromes of reduced sensitivity to thyroid hormone.

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