
To appropriately study the assimilation of Islamic values in scientific and technological development, one must define scientific and technological development, establish the relevance of Islamic values and identify the process of assimilation.Development is a multi-faceted process. Scientific and technological development is one face of this process, relating to the ability of a society to apply scientific discoveries and technological innovations to raise the based human activity. The tenets of Muslim, or Islamic science, differ from those ofthe non-Muslim or non-Islamic science. The resulting scientific and technological development is both a product ofthe underlying values as well as a determinant of what values shall prevail in the society undergoing that process.Islam lays down a purpose for a Muslim life, establishes a system that governs it and defines relationships that are guided by the 'purpose' and circumscribed by the 'system'. Nothing, much less scientific and technological development, can fall outside these guidelines - for Islam is life itself.The concepts of Tawheed, Khilafah and Ibadah and the principles of universalism, tolerance, respect for knowledge and the unity of ummah are among the pillars on which the edifice of Islamic science rests. They form the Islamic values which must be inculcated in contemporary science if it is to playa role in rejuvenating the great Islamic civilization. Since scientific and technological development in the Muslim world cannot be halted and overhauled, a continuous and deliberate process of assimilation of Islamic values in scientific and technological development is called for. This must be accomplished on a long-term basis through Islamization of the entire educational process, and on a short-term basis through determined reshaping of the planning and policy-making processes in the Muslim world.Above all, before the assimilation of Islamic values in scientific andtechnological development can take place, Islam itself must command thetotal loyalty and commitment ofthe Muslim society. With that commitment the process of assimilation will yield a well-woven fabric of development.Without that commitment, the result willbe patchwork ofdiscordant elements ready to be torn to pieces by any serious challenge to its validity.

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