
Academic libraries include college and university libraries. Interior design is an important way to bring about the required change in transforming academic libraries from a repository of books into places for research and communication. While interior design plays a major role in providing an innovative functional design in academic libraries within universities, the problem of the study lies in the importance of academic libraries and their main role in university education institutions in encouraging and supporting scientific research among students and faculty members. According to the role of interior design in designing academic libraries, the researcher finds that there are problems with interior design in the academic library at the College of Education. It needs to be re-designed to improve functionality and aesthetics and enhance the internal space for users to achieve effective use of the internal library space. The study aims to create a better design of interior environments in academic libraries in order to feature creativity and innovation. The research method is descriptive–analytical to describe and analyze the current interior design of the academic library at the College of Education at King Faisal University and collect real information about the library and the problems of interior design. Then, it was presented through the opinion poll tool to the beneficiaries to know their opinions about the current design of the library and to benefit from them in the design proposal of the academic library according to the correct design considerations. Then, the opinion poll tool was displayed again according to the design proposal to know the views of the beneficiaries again to contribute to providing an appropriate research environment for students and faculty members.

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