
ContextThe total, fractal and transversal war (Alliez & Lazzarato, 2016) of cybercapitalism is not the military or interstate war of Freud's and Einstein's time, while preserving the share of psychosis, annihilation and sacrifice that Einstein questions in his correspondence with Freud (Einstein & Freud, 1933). Capital's war takes place in-for-against the population, in order to fabricate the economic unconscious and consumable-consumerist-productivist subjectivities capable of enrolling in an indefinite and infinite warfare system, taking the form of a multiplicity of wars that no longer respond to the “peace-crisis-war-solution” equation. The main problem raised by this context is not only the fundamentally unconscious nature of this dynamic, but its absence from clinical and theoretical studies, which seem to be in collusion with the propaganda of the dominant powers that determine the dominant thinking of all times. ObjectivesThis research has four main objectives. The first is to contribute to the debate concerning our involuntary participation (as citizens and/or health professionals) in total war. The second objective is to provide theoretical elements for a better understanding of the modus operandi and arsenal of cybercapitalist psychological warfare (CPW), as well as some of its mechanisms and dynamics. The third objective is to link the foregoing to medical and epidemiological data that seem to prove the ravages caused by CPW. The fourth objective is to explore clinical approaches that could elaborate on the repressions and conditionings of this context. MethodThe theoretical framework of this qualitative and interpretative work is inspired by critical studies, psychoanalysis, neuroscience, medicine, and epidemiology. ResultsThe intersection of various theoretical perspectives shows: the relevance of the PSYOP program launched by the United States at the outbreak of the Second World War; the immobilization of CPW soldiers in the simultaneity of the fight-flight-freeze triad; the role of neuroculture and its modifications of the neuro-cognitive-behavioral and emotional complex (which do not respect human rights); the exploitation of the social matrix of war by social networks; the injection to saturation point of predatory and pathogenic “non-self” objects provoking aberrant autoimmune psycho-somatic defenses that can lead to autoimmune diseases (conceived as a “war against self”); the alarming pathologization of younger generations increasingly exposed to total war strategies. InterpretationThe data reviewed call for an urgent adaptation of clinical and theoretical perspectives to take into account both the more than disturbing health effects and the repression of the mechanisms and consequences of total war by health professionals. In addition, clinicians are invited to contribute to public and political debates, with the aim of promoting the advent of new laws that effectively protect human dignity and human rights.

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