
This paper describes one electric utility's implementation of touch technology on the operator interface of selected plant computer systems. Specifically described is the implementation of scanning infrared touch CRT's on the man/machine interface for the Plant Information Computer System (PICS) and the Performance Monitoring System (PMS). These systems utilize modular software packages developed by Southern Company Services, Inc. (SCSI), 1 1 The Southern Electric System consists of Alabama Power, Georgia Power, Gulf Power, Mississippi Power, Southern Company Services, and Southern Electric International. Birmingham, Alabama. In addition, SCSI performs hardware integration, system installation, and startup. The systems described herein have been installed at various electric- generating units at Alabama Power Company. 1 The PICS system is a minicomputer-based system performing real-time data acquisition, graphic display, alarming, logging, performance calculations, and data base maintenance in an electric-generating plant environment. The PMS system is a microcomputer-based system performing similar functions as above, but emphasizing plant performance calculations and associated displays. This paper presents an overview of current touch technologies, describes the reasons why scanning infrared beam technology was chosen for use on the PICS and PMS systems, outlines the software methodology used in conjuction with touch input, and lists operator feedback and conclusions draw since system installation.

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