
At the modern stage of development of the medical education system approaches to educational process change. They are aimed to active direct involvement of students, interns (residents) and doctors-trainees to learning suggested problematic issues. Learning, based on discussion of certain cases or problematic clinical situations (сase-based learning, CBL), belongs to modern imitating active methods of education and is considered as an instrument enabling to apply theoretical knowledge in order to solve practical tasks. The principle of construction of the intellectual educational system including cases assumes mastering skills of differential diagnostics in the process of examination of a virtual patient as well as the most optimal algorithm of treatment. Elaboration of educational systems on the basis of Case-based learning (CBL) assumes an important issue of giving free choice for users concerning the plan of examination and therapeutic tactics of a patient. CBL is used to transmit knowledge in different fields of health care. The Internet widely introduces various sites with sets of cases in order to improve medical education in different branches of learning. Development of Web-technologies enables distant learners to make virtual diagnostics within the regimen of distance access and include CBL in the system of continuing professional advance of doctors with a distant form of learning. Medical education with application of Web-technologies develops progressively, which is caused by easy updating of the course, labile schedule, individual learning, innovation methods of education, automatic registration of educational documents. CBL is determined as a structured model based on the experience of using “living” or imitating cases of patients directed to solving or examining a clinical issue under supervision of a teacher, and achieving assigned tasks of education. Advantages of CBL use include greater focusing on the objectives of learning, flexibility in application of methods, ability to promote deeper level of education, formation of the skills of critical thinking. CBL is an instrument assuming coordination of clinical cases in the sphere of health care, with a content of theoretical and practical knowledge in order to improve clinical efficacy, attitude or group work. The suggested type of education increases quality of clinical knowledge, improves the team work, advances clinical skills and behavioral practice, as well as the results of treatment of patients. Further studies of efficacy and effect of CBL on the quality of education require coordination concerning methodological terminology and definitions, creation of a powerful interdisciplinary base (electronic and printed), including clinical cases from “simple” to more “complicated”.


  • CASE-BASED LEARNING (CBL) is determined as a structured model based on the experience of using “living” or imitating cases of patients directed to solving or examining a clinical issue under supervision of a teacher, and achieving assigned tasks of education

  • Необхідним є створення електронної бази поширених клінічних випадків в неонатології «від простого до складного», які передбачають представлення узгоджених шляхів вирішення проблеми на основі світових стандартів, але показують інтегрований підхід до вирішення конкретної клінічної ситуації на основі теоретичних знань та практичних навичок, для підвищення ефективності підготовки лікарів до професійної діяльності з урахування сучасних технологій діагностики та лікування в умовах викликів сьогодення медичної допомоги в Україні

  • Medical education with application of Web-technologies develops progressively, which is caused by easy updating of the course, labile schedule, individual learning, innovation methods of education, automatic registration of educational documents

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CBL is determined as a structured model based on the experience of using “living” or imitating cases of patients directed to solving or examining a clinical issue under supervision of a teacher, and achieving assigned tasks of education. Іншою перевагою CBL є «глибоке» навчання (deeper learning) – навчання, що виходить за рамки простої ідентифікації правильних відповідей, зокрема спрямовано на набуття навичок критичного мислення, прийняття рішень щодо зміни тактики ведення та лікування хворого, а також, з метою узагальнення отриманих знань на основі аналізу нових випадків [30].

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