
Sense of body ownership, that is, the feeling that “my body belongs to me,” has been examined by both the rubber hand illusion (RHI) and full body illusion (FBI). In a study that examined the relationship between RHI and depersonalization, a symptom in which people experience a lower sense of body ownership, people with a high depersonalization tendency experienced RHI through the bottom-up process of visual-tactile integration. Why is it that people with depersonalization feel a lower sense of body ownership over their bodies? Case studies of depersonalization suggest that the top-down cognition in people with depersonalization may make them less likely to feel a sense of body ownership. However, the top-down influence on the sense of body ownership in depersonalization has not yet been experimentally demonstrated. By incorporating top-down manipulation (e.g., instructing participants to regard a fake body as their own) into the FBI procedure, we aimed to clarify the cause of the reduced sense of body ownership in people with a high depersonalization tendency. The FBI procedure was conducted in a virtual reality environment using an avatar as a fake body. The avatar was presented from a third-person perspective, and visual-tactile stimuli were presented to create an illusion. To examine the degree of illusion, we measured the skin conductance responses to the fear stimulus presented after the visual-tactile stimuli presentation. The degree of depersonalization was measured using the Japanese version of the Cambridge Depersonalization Scale. To manipulate the top-down influence, we provided self-association instructions before the presentation of the visual-tactile stimuli. We predicted that the higher the degree of depersonalization, the lower the degree of illusion in the self-association instruction. The results showed that participants with a higher depersonalization tendency had a lower degree of illusion (rho = −0.424, p = 0.035) in the self-association condition. This indicates that in people with a high depersonalization tendency, top-down cognition of the body as their own leads to a decrease in the sense of body ownership.

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