
In this chapter, the author chronicles her ongoing engagement with four figures or tropes through which human being, human knowledge, human relations, and human ethics have been thought. These aspects: of human being – ontology, epistemology, relations and ethics – do not make up a logical list of equal shares either in the experience of human being or in the scholarly pursuits of each trope, but their inclusions, exclusions and overlaps enabled understandings that led her to an insight and a question. Comportment means a turning 'understandingly' towards things-in-the-world as existing together with oneself in time. Though Dasein is essentially for the sake of Others, Mitsein has a corrupting influence that leads to falling and inauthentic life. For an affirmative meaning of the disjunctive synthesis, one may also turn to A. N. Whitehead, who calls such a perspective the 'principle of compatibility and contrariety'.

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