
The aim of this article is to provide a complete and accurate description of Toba Batak relationship terminology, verify its important features (patrilineality, an asymmetric (matrilateral) prescription, and re quirement of five lines to adequately represent terminology), and analyze application of its principles of classification (genealogical level, alliance status, sex, relative age, and order of marriage) and relationship among them. Based on data collected in Medan over a three-year period, both men's and women's terms of reference and address are examined and it is argued that pervasiveness of alterna tion and its articulation with patrilineality and asymmetry appear to be exceptional. Comparisons are drawn with other asymmetric termino logies, including those from eastern Indonesia and that of Karo Batak, most closely related group for which record is relatively complete. Based on Neumann (1866), Ypes (1932), and Vergouwen (1964), Needham maintains that Toba Batak have an asymmetric prescrip tive terminology (Needham 1962:52-54; 1966a: 1265-1268; 1971:lxii lxiv). Descriptions of terminology by Cunningham (1958), Ihromi (1963), and Fischer (1966) are inadequate because they fail to clearly distinguish terms of reference from terms of address, and terms by a male speaker from those of a female speaker. It is intended that this article will fill need for a comprehensive analysis. Previous studies of Toba Batak terminology are incomplete because women's terms are rarely given, and their genealogical specifications are often deficient. The collection of women's terms is critical because the woman has a role of fundamental importance in social organization (and conceptual order) of a radically different kind from male, at least in asymmetric systems (Barnes 1973:80). In spite of their ac knowledged importance, there have been few systematic studies of women's terminologies, with exceptions of Barnes (1974) and Forth ( 1981 ). It will be shown that women's terms are necessary in order to

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