
Aim:To studyeffect of medical nutrition therapy on patients with gestational diabetes mellitus. Design:This is an prospective observational study and techniques used are clinical and noninvasive. Methods:The prospective observational study was conducted on 890 antenatal subjects attending antenatal clinic at tertiary care hospital during their second trimester of pregnancy. The study was conducted from 1st march 2021 to 31st august 2022.DIPSI criteria recommended by FOGSI and FIGO(2020) for GDM was used . Single step test was used irrespective of last meal and cutoff value of> 140 was used [after 2 hours] to diagnose GDM. All the subjects were followed till delivery and were divided in two groups on the basis of sugar charting 24 hours before starting any treatment. Statistical Analysis: Data was analysed using IBM- Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0. Frequency distribution, percentages and Chi square test and spearson correlation test was used for statistical analysis. P value <0.05 was considered significant. Results:Out of 890 cases ,84 cases were screened positive .Hence incidence of GDM in present study was 9.4%.24 hours sugar charting was done and those who were having normal sugar profile around 65 patients were kept on observation only and around 17 were managed by medical nutrition therapy and other require pharmacotherapy. Conclusion:In Indian context, screening for GDM is essential in all pregnant women as the Indian women have 11 fold increased risk of developing glucose intolerance during pregnancy compared to Caucasian women. Simple test which is economical, feasible,does not require long stay or frequent visit to hospital is and causes least disturbance to pregnant womensdaily activities is required. DIPSI as a diagnostic tool for GDM issimple,one step, low cost and veryconvenient.An early diagnosis is always better as it gives enough .time to correct and prevent complications.Medical nutrition therapy is very much effective way to treat gestational diabetes mellitus as it doesnt harm baby as well as no side effects are there in this therapy. Abbreviations:Gestational diabetes mellitus-GDM,diabetes in pregnancy and study group-DIPSI.

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