
Covid-19 Pandemic has created a lot of uncertainty in young adults. Daily lifestyle has changed a lot because of this uncertain situation especially sleep pattern has been disturbed. Hence, this study aims to examine the Sleep disturbance (improper sleep pattern) and Intolerance of uncertainty mediated (viewing uncertainty as negative) by Emotional intelligence (having awareness and regulating of one’s and others’ emotions) among young adults during a pandemic outbreak. An online questionnaire, including socio-demographics, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale (IUS), and Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS), was administered to young adults (n=200). There is a significant positive correlation between sleep disturbance and intolerance of uncertainty (.367**), a significant negative correlation between sleep disturbance and emotional intelligence (-.329**), and Intolerance of uncertainty and emotional intelligence is negatively correlated (-.450**). On mediational analysis is revealed that emotional intelligence is partially mediating between Sleep disturbance and Intolerance of uncertainty. On Chi-square, it was seen that there is an association between Sleep disturbance and domicile and person’s tested, covid positive in the past 1 year. Emotional intelligence has an association with family type. Sleep disturbance and Intolerance to uncertainty can be improved by enhancing Emotional intelligence. KEYWORDS: Covid-19 Pandemic, Young adults, Sleep disturbance, Intolerance to uncertainty, and Emotional intelligence.

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