
Although it has been shown that iron absorption from NaFeEDTA, a promising iron fortificant, is effectively down-regulated in iron-loaded rats, effects of prolonged exposure to high dietary levels of NaFeEDTA are not well understood. The objectives of this study were to determine whether rats can adapt to a high dietary level of NaFeEDTA by down-regulating iron absorption, and to determine effects on tissue iron distribution, with or without an iron absorption inhibitor. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to diets supplemented with FeSO4 or NaFeEDTA at 1200 mg of Fe/kg of diet, with or without tea, for 27 days. Iron absorption measured by whole-body counting before and after exposure showed that rats adapted to the high dietary level of FeSO4 or NaFeEDTA by down-regulating iron absorption to a similar extent. However, nonheme iron concentrations in liver and spleen were about 35-50% lower, whereas the concentration in kidney was about 300% higher in rats fed NaFeEDTA, compared to rats fed FeSO4. Tea had no major impact on iron absorption or iron status, regardless of iron source. Our results showed that although iron absorption was down-regulated similarly, body iron distribution was markedly different between rats exposed to FeSO4 and those exposed to NaFeEDTA. Further studies are warranted to determine the effects of prolonged exposure to dietary NaFeEDTA on kidney iron accumulation and kidney function.

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