
AbstractCallus induction and subculture was successful with mature embryos and stem sections of seedlings of Zea mays L. on Linsmaier and Skoog's medium modified to contain 4 mg/I of 2,4‐D and 1 g/I of casamino acids. — 2,4‐D was superior to NAA and IAA for both callus induction and growth. Callus subcultured on NAA formed abundant roots on agar‐solidified media and numerous root‐like primordia in liquid cultures. — Kinetin had no effect on callus induction in the presence of 2,4‐D and neither kinetin nor gibberellic acid stimulated callus growth during subculture. — Callus grew equally well on the medium of Linsmaier and Skoog, that of Schenk and Hildebrandt, and the B‐5 medium of Gamborg and Eveleigh containing 2% sucrose, 4 mg/I of 2,4‐D and 1 g/I of casamino acids. — The callus grew more rapidly at 25°C than at 30°C or 35°C. Little difference was noted at any temperature in callus growth in alternating light (16 h) and dark (8 h) or continuous dark. — Sucrose was superior to glucose and maltose in both liquid and agar‐solidified cultures. Lactose and galactose failed to support callus growth.

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