
Kinetic typography is widely applied to media such as Film Title,Television Program Title, presentation media, motion graphic media,and others. Motion design elements added to the kinetic typographydesign can strengthen the character of letters, strengthen themeaning of the message, give more emphasis and intonation, andadd aesthetic value. This article explores the analysis of the use ofkinetic typography in 6 (six) research samples of the winners of theAnimation Category of Indonesia Film Festival - FFI (2013 - 2018).The study was conducted referring to the temporal typographicclassification model developed by Barbara Brownie (2007). Wherein general kinetic typography is divided into two types, namely Typein Motion and Fluid Typography. Type in Motion itself is dividedinto Scrolling Typography and Dynamic Layout. The researchmethod used is descriptive qualitative. This research was identifyingand describing the use of kinetic typography types in the film title. Asa result, 2 (two) samples have not used kinetic typography optimally(F2 and F4), 2 (two) samples use Scrolling Typography (F1 and F3),1 (one) sample uses Fluid Typography (F5), and 1 (one) sample usesDynamic Layout (F6).

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