
Summers will become increasingly hot as a result of climate change, with temperatures rising above the thermoneutral range of animals, exposing them to heat stress. Oxidative stress, which is caused by an increase in reactive oxygen species, is one of the most dangerous side effects of long-term heat stress. In order to alleviate oxidative stress, metabolites required for living and development may be depleted, which can have a negative impact on animals’ growth and production performances, especially in chronic situations. Plant-derived phyto-feed additives with greater antioxidant quantity may benefit animals by lowering the effects of heat stress-induced oxidative stress. Improved pharmacological response and lack of adverse impact when compared to allopathic medications, phyto additives of curative benefit are becoming more frequent in medical research. Tinospora cordifolia is a popular term recognized as "Guduchi" or "Giloy" for its use in the treatment of different illness in naturopathic texts from the past. The bioactive components recovered from the plant, as well as its significance in prevention of illness, have helped the herbs to play a more active role in the field. It has antioxidant potential and can be exploited as a dietary additive to provide antioxidants for health benefits. The plant's common name, chemical components found in various portions of the plant, and biological functions are all covered in this review. In addition, they have potential as heat stress relievers in animals.

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