
This study was conducted to obtain the information about animal welfare on cattle slaughtered in Slaughterhouse in Banda Aceh. The animal welfare parameter was observed related to the transport aspect, shelter aspect, and slaughter aspect. The three aspects compared to the recommendation of Meat Livestock Australia (MLA) and Indonesian National Standard 02-4509-1998. Method used to determine the animal welfare was scoring evaluation. The result of study showed that transport aspect get 20 score with a percentage of 50% which categorized as sufficient. Shelter aspect get 33 score with percentage of 82,5% which categorized as good, and slaughter aspect get 32 score with percentage of 80% which categorized as good. Based on scoring evaluation of shelter aspect and slaughter aspect, the animal welfare of cattle slaughtered in Slaughter house in Banda Aceh is considered good, meanwhile the transport aspect is considered sufficient.Key words: animal welfare, cattle, slaughterhouse


  • This study was conducted to obtain the information about animal welfare on cattle slaughtered in

  • The animal welfare parameter was observed related to the transport aspect

  • The three aspects compared to the recommendation of Meat Livestock Australia

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Jurnal Medika Veterinaria

Vol 9 No 2, Agustus 2015 juga kurang memadai dalam upaya menghindari kemungkinan ternak terluka, memar, atau mengalami kecelakaan yang menyebabkan patah tulang atau kehilangan tanduk. Kesejahteraan hewan pada sapi yang akan disembelih harus mendapat perhatian agar menghasilkan daging yang aman, berkualitas, dan layak dikonsumsi manusia (Lukman, 2012). Menurut Arief et al (2006), apabila hewan tidak sejahtera maka daging yang dihasilkan akan berwarna gelap, memiliki nilai pH yang tinggi dan bertekstur keras. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pelaksanaan aspek kesejahteraan hewan pada sapi yang dipotong di RPH Kotamadya Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pelaksanaan aspek kesejahteraan hewan pada sapi yang dipotong di RPH Kotamadya Banda Aceh.

Nilai total aspek pengangkutan
Nilai total aspek penampungan
Nilai total aspek penyembelihan
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