
Timor-Leste: The history and development of Asia's newest nation By ABRAHAM JOSEPH and TAKAKO HAMAGUCHIJ Foreword by JOSfi RAMOS-HORTA Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. 2014. Pp. xxii-i-189. Map, Photographs, Index. This work focuses on developments in the economy and foreign policy of Timor-Leste since its independence. The authors provide an overview of the country's national economic policies and initiatives and their outcomes while valorising its partnerships with the United Nations and key donor nations. The title of the book might be misleading, however, since the analysis lacks context, particularly on the dynamic nature of internal relations and their impact on the economic development and foreign policies of Timor-Leste. Furthermore, the country's relations with 'donor nations' and the UN are not critically assessed, but instead rather lauded. Yet, although these inherently asymmetric power relations between Timor Leste and its 'well-meaning big brothers' have received more critical analysis in recent writings (e.g. Caroline Hughes, Dependent communities: Aid and politics in Cambodia and East Timor, 2009; and my Timor Leste: Politics, history, and culture, 2010) one of the author's arguments seems to imply that the successes of Southeast Asia's newest nation are the result of foreign engineering and 'tutorship'; and thus to minimise the achievements of the people of Timor-Leste themselves. The book also does not make any mention of the numerous civil society and local NGO initiatives that are not only impacting but in some cases driving rural development. Even the challenges faced by Timor-Leste are presented in a muted manner; again lacking a nuanced analysis and thus predicting a rosy picture for the immediate future. To be fair, the authors' arguments are in line with the main goal of the book, which is to showcase Timor-Leste as an exemplary success story to other small nations. The people of Timor-Leste should be proud of all their achievements in developing and transforming their nation through their commitment to a peaceful postconflict reconstruction. These successes were not entirely achieved through the direction of their foreign advisers, donor nations, and the United Nations, but through their own sacrifices, hard work and commitment. Here again, the book does not seem to give enough credit to the Timorese. The book is divided into an introduction and nine main chapters. The chapters address key issues through the dominant discourses of the United Nations. Such UN discourses are thus transplanted into Timor-Leste and national policies seem to coalesce around these. The introductory chapter provides a summary of the economic developments and foreign policies of Timor-Leste since its independence up to 2012. The subsequent chapters provide an elaboration of this overview. Chapter 1 examines the economic history of the country, providing narrative explanations of the statistical data compiled by the UN showing a steady post-independence growth and developments in a number of economic sectors. The second chapter addresses Timor-Leste's framework for development and the ways it is in line with the UN's Millennial Development Goals (MDG). Through an examination of national policies for sustained economic growth, the authors highlight the establishment of the Petroleum Fund, and policies concerning land reform and capital development, as well as initiatives on business reforms and export promotions. Timor-Leste's policies on food security, anti-corruption, and the protection of vulnerable populations have made great strides towards the MDG. After a brief overview of the history of oil and gas exploration and related treaties, the following chapter is devoted to the consideration of the Natural Resources Endowment and the ways in which Timor-Leste has utilised the receipts from its oil and gas resources towards economic development. …

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