
To investigate the effect of reduced snow cover on fine root dynamics in a cool-temperate forest in northern Japan because of decreases in snowfall at high latitudes due to global warming, we monitored root length, production, and mortality before and after snow removal with an in-ground root scanner. We measured root dynamics of both overstory deciduous oak (Quercus crispula) and understory evergreen dwarf bamboo (Sasa nipponica), the two major species in the forest. Snow removal advanced the timing of peak root production by a month both in total and in Sasa, but not in oak. There was a significant interaction between snow removal and plant form on root production; this indicates that enhanced Sasa root production following snow removal might increase its ability to compete with oak. In contrast, snow removal did not enhance root mortality, suggesting that the roots of these species tolerate soil freezing. The earlier snow disappearance in the snow removal plot expanded the growing season in Sasa. We speculate that this change in the understory environment would advance the timing of root production by Sasa by extending the photosynthetic period in spring. We propose that different responses of root production to reduced snow cover between the two species would change the competitive interactions of overstory and understory vegetation, influencing net primary production and biogeochemistry (e.g., carbon and nitrogen cycles) in the forest ecosystem.

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