
One of the time series data modeling is the ARMA model which assumes constant volatility. However, in economic and financial data, there are many cases where volatility is not constant. This results in the occurrence of heteroscedasticity problems in the residuals, so a GARCH model is needed. In addition to heteroscedasticity, another problem with residuals is the asymmetric effect or leverage effect. For that we need asymmetric GARCH modeling. This study aims to compare the accuracy of the ARMA, GARCH, and asymmetric GARCH models. This research is an applied research. The data used is daily stock return data from February 2020 to February 2022 as many as 488 data. The results showed that the best model in modeling stock return volatility is ARMA(0,1). The accuracy of this model is very good with MAD value of 0,0018644 and RMSE value of 0,0025352.

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