
Taking the phosphorus monitoring data of two sites MS1 and MS2 in the period 1986-2003 in Chaohe River lying Beijing Miyun reservoir stream watershed as a case, time domain analysis method, Fourier and Wavelet analysis were adopted to explore and compare the periodic patterns and temporal pattern characteristics of the two sites. The results showed that the time domain analysis method was not adopted due to there were no serial correlation and heteroscedasticity in each site series. The periodic patterns of two sites were discovered using Fourier analysis. The site MS1 had two periodic patterns of two years and four years while the site MS2 had a period of two and a half years. The temporal pattern characteristics at different scales were obtained through wavelet analysis, which were at moderate and small scales for the site MS1, while at small scale for the site MS2. The Fourier and wavelet analysis method can both be used in the study of surface water quality temporal change pattern, the first is a coarse method and the latter is a more detailed method for analyzing surface water quality temporal pattern characteristics. Keywords-time domain analysis; fourier; wavelet analysis; phosphorus; water quality; chaohe river

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