
A two-channel γ-spectrometer with time resolution of 2.5 ns enables a prompt control of number and energy of collectively accelerated protons in their separate bunches dumped into a sustainable and refractory B4C target. The proton energy and number is determined within the range of 460 to 1600 keV and 1012–4⋅1014 per pulse, respectively, by separate measurements of yields of prompt γ-rays with energies of 429 and 2366 keV and higher, induced in the B4C targets via the nuclear reactions 10B(p, αγ)7Be, 11B(p, γ)12C and 12C(p, γ)13N, respectively. The simultaneous control of signals from two organic scintillators shielded with lead layers of 1 and 7 cm is used to reliably separate contributions of the analytical reactions. The radioactivity of 7Be and 13N radionuclides produced in the reactions is measured with a conventional HP Ge detector to calibrate the prompt technique.

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