
Electroencephalograms of medial cortex and electromyograms of intercostal muscles (EMG-icm) were simultaneously recorded in the lizard, Gallotia galloti, during two daily time periods (at daytime, DTP: 1200-1600 h; by night, NTP: 0000-0400 h), to investigate whether a relationship exists between the respiratory and cortical electrical activity of reptiles, and, if so, how this relationship changes during the night rest period. Testing was carried out by studying interdependence between cortical electrical and respiratory activities, by means of linear and nonlinear signal analysis techniques. Both physiological activities were evaluated through simultaneous power signals, derived from the power of the low-frequency band of the electroencephalogram (pEEG-LF), and from the power of the EMG-icm (pEMG-icm), respectively. During both DTP and NTP, there was a significant coherence between both signals in the main frequency band of pEMG-icm. During both DTP and NTP, the nonlinear index N measured significant linear asymmetric interdependence between pEEG-LF and pEMG-icm. The N value obtained between pEEG-LF vs. pEMG-icm was greater than the one between pEMG-icm vs. pEEG-LF. This means that the system that generates the pEEG-LF is more complex than the one that generates the pEMG-icm, and suggests that the temporal variability of power in the low-frequency cortical electrical activity is driven by the power of the respiratory activity.

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