
Numerous studies have shown that polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) infiltrate the myocardium immediately after reperfusion of infarcted tissue. Studies with mAbs in vivo and cellular studies in vitro suggest that PMN-induced injury of the cardiac myocyte involve Mac-1 adhesion to myocyte ICAM-1. In this study we demonstrate that PMNs that have infiltrated the ischemic area begin to lose Mac-1 within the first 3 h. By the fifth hour of reperfusion, minimal CD11b staining is seen on PMNs using immunostaining, whereas CD11a remained unchanged. Immunoreactivity of postreperfusion cardiac lymph with R15.7 (anti-CD18) or MY904 (anti-CD11b) was positive in all animals but not for CD11a (R7.1), indicating a specific loss of Mac-1. Immunoprecipitation with either R15.7 or MY904 resulted in identical peptides (a doublet at 190 kDa and a band at 80 kDa), suggesting that both alpha and beta subunits of Mac-1 heterodimer were released. Immunoprecipitation of control PMN lysates revealed bands of 198 kDa and 91 kDa slightly greater than those from the released Mac-1. An in vitro model of homotypic aggregation showed a similar loss of Mac-1 from PMNs; immunoprecipitates of the supernatant demonstrated peptide bands identical with those found in postischemic cardiac lymph. The appearance of soluble Mac-1 in vitro was prevented by anti-CD18 mAb, R15.7, and also by protease inhibition by PMSF. Thus, in vivo and in vitro, activated PMNs lose Mac-1 in a process that may be dependent upon adhesion and subsequent proteolysis.

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