
Recently, aquatic macrophytes have been considered as promising tools for eco-friendly water management with a low running cost. However, only little information is available thus far regarding the metabolic capacity of macrophytes for coping with cyanobacterial toxins (cyanotoxins) in the aquatic environment. Cyanotoxins have become emerging contaminants of great concern due to the high proliferation of cyanobacteria (cyanobacterial bloom) accelerated by eutrophication and climate change. Anatoxin-a, one of the common and major cyanotoxins, is suggested as a high priority water pollutant for regulatory consideration owing to its notoriously rapid mode of action as a neurotoxin. In this study, the time-course metabolic regulation of the submerged macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum (C. demersum) was investigated during exposure to anatoxin-a at an environmentally relevant concentration (15μg/L). Biotransformation and antioxidative systems in C. demersum responded positively to anatoxin-a through the promoted synthesis of most of the involved enzymes within 8h. Maximum enzyme activities were exhibited after 24 or 48h of exposure to anatoxin-a. However, an apparent decline in enzyme activities was also observed at longer exposure duration (168 and 336h) in company with high steady-state levels of cell internal H2O2, which showed its highest level after 48h. Meanwhile, irreversible inhibitory influence on chlorophyll content (vitality) was noticed, whereas the ratio of carotenoids to total chlorophyll was increased with the increase in exposure duration. Consequently, the reduction in growth (biomass) of C. demersum was observed in sub-chronic exposure to anatoxin-a (8 weeks). Overall results clearly indicate, on the one hand, that anatoxin-a causes negative allelopathic effects on the macrophyte by inducing oxidative stress. On the other hand, the macrophyte might have interactions with anatoxin-a, based on the prompt reaction of its enzymatic defense systems to the toxin. The result obtained from the present study could contribute to the improvement of basic knowledge about the ecological impact of anatoxin-a and the environmental fate of the toxin in the aquatic environment.

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