
In semi-arid Kenya, the most dominant soil types are of limited agricultural productivity due to crusting andcompaction. The occurrence of soil crusting and compaction is attributed to seasonal rainfall characteristics, physicalsoil properties and bad tillage practices. Soil crusting and compaction decrease rainwater infiltration and increasesurface runoff. Seasonal rainwater losses through increased runoff volumes reduce soil moisture and hence result inagricultural drought. The objective of this study was to examine the hydrological effects of two tillage practices withand without farmyard manure on surface runoff and soil loss of crusting and compacting soils under field conditionsat Katumani in semi-arid Kenya. Field investigations on rainfall characteristics, surface runoff, soil loss, soil bulkdensity and soil shear strength covered two rainy seasons (short and long rains) and were done on a Chromic Luvisol.The field treatments were zero tillage and conventional tillage, and two farmyard manure applications (5 and 10Mg ha-1). The results obtained showed significant effects of conventional and zero tillage and farmyard manure oninfiltration and soil moisture, surface runoff and soil loss. Soil crusting and compaction significantly influencedthe hydrological response of all treatments. These responses were attributed to seasonal rainfall events of varyingamounts, intensities and duration, and treatment differences in soil surface conditions and aggregation. Farmyardmanure (FYM) application enhanced infiltration and reduced soil crusting, compaction, and surface runoff duringthe initial stages of the rainy season. But in the mid-stages of the rainy season, the effects of FYM on soil aggregationdiminished. Conventional tillage without farmyard manure led to high surface runoff and soil loss in this structurallyunstable soil. Zero tillage performed poorly under these soil conditions because of high soil crusting and compaction,low rainwater infiltration and subsequent increase in surface runoff generation.

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