
The term ticket scalping has become commonly used to define the behaviour of a perpetrator who purchases tickets and resells them at a profit. Among lawyers in Poland there is no need for a discussion on the legitimacy and manner of the criminal response to the trade of tickets to sporting events. This issue is completely outside the sphere of interest of the legislature; the only form of reaction in such matters is laid out in the provisions of Art. 133 § 1–2 of the Code of Petty Offences. At the same time, there is an increasing number of national laws in which the problem of ticket trading is covered by specific criminal regulations Moreover, the need for close cooperation between law enforcement agencies at the national and international levels or other state entities (such as fiscal control authorities) and sports federations or organisers of sporting events is increasingly recognised. It should be noted that ticket scalping today is closely related to gambling in sport and corruption in sport, being an area of great interest to organised crime groups around the world.

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