
Tibiofibular torsion was measured by computed tomography in three series of patients affected by congenital clubfoot who were treated with different protocols. The normal leg of unilateral deformities served as the control. For the bilateral cases, only the right side was included in the study. The angle between the bicondylar axis of the tibia and the bimalleolar axis was the index of tibiofibular torsion. There were 34 clubfeet in the first series, treated with a posteromedial release, and 40 clubfeet in the second series, treated with a modified Ponseti method, whereas the third series included 16 clubfeet, treated with the original Ponseti method. All 90 clubfeet were graded at birth as group 3 according to the Manes classification. No patient had previous treatment. The patients of the first and the second series were followed up to maturity, whereas the patients of the third series were followed up to a maximum of 11 years of age. In the congenital clubfoot, the tibia and the fibula were externally rotated, in comparison with the normal leg; in fact, the average value of the angle of tibiofibular torsion was 32.2° in the first series, 23.9° in the second series, and 21.1° in the third series. In the normal tibiae, the average value of the angle of tibiofibular torsion was 21.4°. The difference between the first series and the normal controls was statistically significant, as was the difference between the first one and the other two series. The value of the tibiofibular torsion angle seems to be related to the manipulation technique used to treat clubfoot: when the manipulation does not allow a progressive eversion of the talus underneath the calcaneus, the external tibial torsion increases. At follow-up, an intoeing gait was present in seven treated clubfeet of the first series. In all of them except one, the highest value of the external tibial torsion angle was observed, with a low value of the Kite's angle and/or residual forefoot adduction. In the treated congenital clubfoot, persistent intoeing is not related to the angle of tibial torsion but rather to the amount of correction of calcaneal inversion and residual forefoot adduction.

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