
AbstractEkman, L. Thyroidectomy of the goat. Acta physiol. scand. 1965. 65. 331–336. —A procedure to obtain complete thyroidectomy in the adult goat is described. In 4 of 6 goats ectopic thyroid tissue was detected after surgical thyroidectomy. The goats were given treatment doses of 20 to 25 mCi I131 once a month until no ectopic thyroid tissue could be detected by external radioactivity measurements. An additional dose of 25 mCi I131 was given after the first negative radioisotope scanning. The development of hypothyroidism was followed by estimations of plasma protein‐bound radioiodine (PBP and PBI131) and total serum protein‐bound iodine (PBI). Three doses of 25 mCi I131' administered once a month to two pregnant goats caused a complete ablation of the thyroid glands in the offspring. With the exception of a complete lack of thyroid tissue the kids were apparently normally developed, but were borne dead. After delivery a very marked reduction in milk production was noted. The amounts of colostrum milk, however, seemed to be normal. The adult goats increased in weight following the combined thyroidectomy procedures, and showed certain changes in temperature regulation. Otherwise no clinical manifestations of hypothyroidism were detected during the seven month period the animals were under observation.

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