
Background: Pediatric patients with rheumatic diseases (RD) are at increased risk of infections. Vaccines have been proved to be very effective to prevent them. Nevertheless the long-term immunity after vaccination remains quite unknown in this group. Objectives: To comapre the long term seroprotecction in pediatric patients with rheumatic diseases who recieved measles, rubella, mumps, tetanus, diphteria, hepatitis B, hib and meningoccocus C vaccination acording to the routine immunization schedule in Spain, and healthy children. Methods: We designed a cross-sectional study including consecutive pediatric patients with RD who attended the rheumatology clinic and healthy children older than 10 y.o. The administered vaccines, treatment and pathology of each patient will be recorded. Their antibodies titters against each antigen were quantified and compared to healthy children. Results: 60 patients (median age 13 y.o IQR 10.2-12-7) and 15 healthy children (mean age 11.3 y.o. IQR 11.3-12.7) were included. In the patients group 62% were female, and 35% in healthy. Diagnosis: 85% Idiopathic juvenile arthritis, 18% Lupus or juvenile dermatomiositis. 46% had received biologic treatment sometime. Seroprotection rate was (patient vs control): measles 85%% vs 81%%, rubeola 78.8% vs 73.3%, parotiditis 84.7% vs 66.7%; VHB 27.% vs 10.5%, diphteria 89.5% vs 81%, tetanos 64.9% vs 61.1%. Hib 42% vs 53%, pneumococo 92.4% vs 100%, meningococcus C 12% vs 11%. p>0.05 Conclusion: No statistical differences were detected, althought the scarce number of control subjects might have infuenced this result. There is a tendence towards a lower antibody persistence anti-Hib in patients compared to healthy children. The response to life virus vaccine and tetanus seem to be as good as in healthy chidren. Disclosure of Interests: : Laura Fernandez Silveira: None declared, M.J Gimenez: None declared, E Andreu-Alapont: None declared, Patricia Falomir-Salcedo: None declared, E Serrano-Poveda: None declared, M.I. Gonzalez-Fernandez: None declared, B Lopez-Montesinos: None declared, Inmaculada Calvo Grant/research support from: received research grants from Pfizer, Roche, Novartis, Clementia, Sanofi, MSD, BMS and GSK, Consultant for: Advisory boards: Novartis, AbbVie, Speakers bureau: AbbVie, Roche, Novartis, SOBI

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