
1. Glial cells are known to play a role in regulating the microenvironment of the nervous system. While earlier considerations of glial function assumed a passive, static physiology for these cells, this is not likely to be the case. In this study, we begin to examine how the physiology of Müller glial cells changes in response to molecules in the microenvironment. 2. Perforated-path recordings and intracellular calcium measurements were performed on human retinal Müller cells in vitro. 3. Analysis of whole-cell currents revealed that the human Müller glial cells have an inwardly rectifying K+ current (IK(IR) which is active near the resting membrane potential. This IK(IR) is significantly inhibited when the Müller cell is exposed to thrombin, a molecule that is likely to enter the retina with a breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier and may be endogenous to the nervous system. 4. A variety of experiments point to a role for Ca2+ as a second messenger mediating the inhibitory effect of thrombin on the IK(IR) of Müller cells. Specifically, thrombin evokes an increase in intracellular [Ca2+] in the Müller cells; the Ca2+ chelator BAPTA blocks the effects of thrombin on both the inhibition of IK(IR) and the rise in intracellular [Ca2+]; exposure to ionomycin, a calcium ionophore, induces a reduction in the IK(IR) of Müller cells. 5. A thrombin- induced inhibition in the IK(IR) of Müller cells is likely to have significant functional consequences for the retina since these ion channels are involved in K+ homeostasis. 6. Our experiments support the idea that the physiology of Müller glial cells is dynamic and can be markedly affected by molecules in the microenvironment.

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