
Recently there has been a new surge of interest in three-dimensional wake patterns, from both an experimental and analytical standpoint. One of the central discoveries is that the patterns of vortex shedding are dependent on the specific end conditions of a long cylinder span. However, a number of outstanding questions have remained unanswered, in part because techniques had not existed to control such patterns in a continuous fashion and from outside a test facility. In the present work, we have devised a method to control the end conditions of a cylinder span by non-mechanical and continuously-variable means, namely by the use of end suction. The technique allows a continuous variation of end conditions and admits transient or impulsive control. With the method, the classical steady-state patterns, such as parallel or oblique shedding or the ‘chevron’ patterns are simply induced. These experiments demonstrate that the wake, at a given Reynolds number, is receptive to a continuous (but limited) range of oblique shedding angles (θ), rather than to discrete angles. There is excellent agreement in these results with the ‘cos θ’ formula for collapsing oblique-shedding frequencies onto a single ‘universal’ frequency curve. The use of suction has avoided the grossly unsteady motions at the ends of the cylinder span brought about by the wakes of mechanical end manipulators, and we show that the laminar shedding regime exists up to Reynolds numbers (Re) of 205. The surprisingly large disparity among reported measurements of criticalRe for wake transition (Re=140−200), over the last forty years, can now be explained in terms of spanwise end contamination.

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