
ObjectivesA novel three-dimensional scanning technique was used to investigate the effects a one-step and a two-step impression methods can have on the three-dimensional fit of ceramic partial crowns. MethodsAn acrylic model of a mandibular first molar was prepared to receive a partial coverage all-ceramic crown (mesio-occlusal-distal inlay preparation with reduction of all cusps and rounded shoulder finish line of buccal wall). Type IV plaster replicates were cast based on one-step single viscosity (OS/SV), one-step dual viscosity (OS/DV), and two-step dual viscosity (TS/DV) impressions. Five partial crowns were fabricated per impression method using hot-pressed lithium disilicate ceramics. Then, preparation and restorations were digitized using a non-contact, white-light scanner featuring self-calibrating optics (overall measurement uncertainty of <5μm). Data were entered into quality inspection software which superimposed the records (best-fit-algorithm), calculated fit-discrepancies for every pixel, and colour-coded the results to aid visualization. Furthermore, mean quadratic deviations (RMS) were computed and analyzed statistically with a 1-way ANOVA. Scheffé’s procedure was applied for multiple comparisons (α=0.05). ResultsMean RMS-values for marginal (internal) surfaces were: OS/SV 70 (20)μm, OS/DV 78 (34)μm, and TS/DV 107 (52)μm. Differences among impression techniques were statistically significant at p=0.006 (0.001). Qualitatively, occlusal ridges and preparation finish lines were over contoured, whereas inner occlusal boxes and the proximal–occlusal isthmus were under contoured. ConclusionsOS/SV and OS/DV impressions resulted in statistically significantly smaller marginal and internal discrepancies than the two-step technique. Clinical significanceMarginal and internal fit of hot-pressed lithium disilicate partial crowns depended on the employed impression technique. One-step impressions are preferred over two-step techniques in many day-to-day clinical situations, especially for the fabrication of partial coverage crown restorations.

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