
Four species of Synodontella, including three new, are reported from three species of Synodontis (S. ocellifer, S. nigrita, and S. velifer) from north-western Côte d’Ivoire. Synodontella melanoptera Dossou & Euzet, 1993 was found on the gills of S. nigrita and S. velifer and was already known from the gills of S. melanopterus in Benin and the gills of S. obesus and S. rebeli in Cameroon. The new species are Synodontella speroadotevii n. sp. from S. nigrita (type-host), S. velifer and S. ocellifer, and Synodontella bagoueensis n. sp. and Synodontella akengboi n. sp., both from S. velifer (type-host for both), S. nigrita and S. ocellifer. The new species differ from the other species of Synodontella mainly in the morphology of their male copulatory organs (MCO): Synodontella speroadotevii has a two-part penis (one being a hollow tube and the other a flattened tube); Synodontella bagoueensis has a wide G-shaped penis with a sub-terminal opening; and Synodontella akengboi has a simple narrow J-shaped penis. Synodontella speroadotevii differs from Synodontella bagoueensis and Synodontella akengboi in the shape of the dorsal transverse bar, which shows no protuberance, and also in the morphology of the MCO. Synodontella bagoueensis differs from the other two species in that it has a dorsal transverse bar that is V-shaped and a G-shaped MCO. Synodontella akengboi differs from the two other species in having a J-shaped MCO and in the size of its ventral and dorsal anchors which, contrary to the other two species, are almost similar.

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