
Introduction: Thoracic outlet syndrome represents a variety of symptoms rangingfrom neurogenic to vascular. The thoracic outlet syndrome considered as a disputed disorderand management and diagnosis need special attention. Objective: The present study wasdone with the objective was to observe association of thoracic outlet syndrome with cervical riband the treatment and diagnosis options given to the patients once they present in the OPD.Study Design: Observational. Sampling: Convenience. Duration: January 2015-2017 January.Materials and methods: In this study the cervical rib was present in 3 males out of 58 cases.In females 8 had cervical rib out of 150 cases. Results: Out of eleven patients only six wereadvised surgical excision to relieve symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome. Analgesics were alsoprescribed to all patients. The second category who did not have cervical rib nerve conductionstudies were advised to only 12 males and 10 females. In our study patients presenting withnumbness or and any vascular complaint only 11 cases had cervical rib. The treatment advisedfor relieving symptoms was surgical in only six patients and analgesics in all cases. Thetreatment for patients without cervical rib was analgesics and nerve conduction was advisedonly in 22 patients. Conclusion: The diagnosis and management of TOS is a combination ofneurophysiological testing and clinical examination outcomes. The use of advanced techniquescan lead to better patient management in our hospitals.

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