
Nondegenerate femtosecond pump and probe spectroscopy was performed in In0.10Ga0.90N/In0.03Ga0.97N multiple quantum wells and epilayers at room temperature. The structural dependence of the photoinduced differential absorption (Δα) spectrum was studied on four In0.10Ga0.90N layers of different thickness (5.5, 17, 34, and 66 nm). A single bulge was clearly observed in Δα spectra except for the 5.5 nm thick sample. The bulges are sharper in thicker In0.10Ga0.90N layer samples. These spectrum changes are caused by excitonic absorption quenching and screening of internal piezoelectric fields by photoinduced carriers. Both rapid and slow temporal behaviors were observed in transient absorption spectra. The results of time-resolved photoluminescence measurements and existence of saturation pump fluences indicate that trapped carriers in potential minima originate from In-rich regions and/or midgap carrier traps are responsible for the observed lasting screening of the internal electric field.

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