
This article is devoted to the study of the verbal-semantic level (Thesaurus-I) of the secondary linguistic personality based on the analysis of texts on economic and financial topics. 8 texts (17,348 words, 97,712 characters, 132 minutes 36 seconds), which are transcripts of a monologue public speech by non-native English speakers at a TED conference, and 10 texts (19,227 words, 110,133 characters, 125 minutes 44 seconds), which are transcripts of native English speakers’ speeches, are served as the material for this study. The paper presents the results of a statistical analysis of the use of words frequency, proving the fact that Thesaurus-I of the secondary linguistic personality under analysis corresponds to the verbal-semantic level of native speakers. Further, the results of a statistical analysis of the use of Word Classes frequency are given indicating that the analyzed texts are a reflection of the real English language picture of the world. In addition, a thesaurus of English texts of an economic orientation has been built and analyzed, which allows describing the main characteristics of an English language picture of the world fragment, verbalized in texts of an economic orientation, and highlighting its inherent archetypes.

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