
AbstractThe removal of impurities from matte and from copper during copper smelting is discussed thermodynamically. Two mechanisms are considered: oxidation followed by slagging; and volatilization. In matte, most of the undesirable impurities such as lead, antimony, bismuth and arsenic are not removed by oxidation, but rather by volatilization. When white metal and metallic copper are in coexistence, these impurities are distributed mainly into the copper phase, from which their removal is difficult. Elimination of the various elements from blister copper is discussed, and the behaviour of sulphur and oxygen in metallic copper is analyzed thermodynamically. Resume Les auteurs se servent de l' energetique pour expliquer l' elimination d'impurites de la matte et du cuivre au cours do smeltage. Ils considerent deux mecanismes d' elimination: l'oxydation suiviede solubilisation des oxydes dans la scorie,et la volatilisation. Dans le cas de la matte, les impurites indesirees telles que le plomb, l'antimoine, ...

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