
The NaF-LaF3 system is characterized with single ternary fluoride compound, NaLaF4. This compound has been synthesized in solid state route and characterized with X-ray diffraction technique. The purity has been checked with ICPMS technique. The heat capacity of NaLaF4 (s) has been experimentally measured with differential Scanning Calorimeter and the variation of Cp as a function of temperature can be expressed as.Cp /J.mol-1K-1 = (171.2 ​± ​0.1) ​+ ​(0.00089 ​± ​0.0002) ​× ​T/K - (3.235 × 106 ± 9204) × (T/K)-2The Gibbs energy of formation of NaLaF4 (s) has been determined using Solid Electrolyte Galvanic Cell method with calcium fluoride as solid electrolyte. The ΔfG of NaLaF4 (s) as a function of temperature can be given as.ΔfG (NaLaF4, s, T) (kJ mol -1) = (- 2220.7 ​± ​0.7) ​+ ​(0.3123 ​± ​0.0032) · (T/K)Using the experimentally obtained thermodynamic data, the binary phase diagram of NaF (s) - LaF3 (s) system has been calculated. To study the stability domain and coexisting phases of NaLaF4(s), the chemical potential diagram of Na-La-F-O system and ternary phase diagram of Na-La-F system has been calculated.

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