
We use a lattice vibrational technique to derive thermophysical and thermochemical properties of the pure elements aluminum and iron in pressure–temperature space. This semi-empirical technique is based on either the Mie–Gruneisen–Debye (MGD) approach or an extension of Kieffer’s model to incorporate details of the phonon spectrum. It includes treatment of intrinsic anharmonicity, electronic effects based on the free electron gas model, and magnetic effects based on the Calphad approach. We show that Keane’s equation of state for the static lattice is better suitable to represent thermodynamic data for aluminum from 1 bar to pressures in the multi-megabar region relative to Vinet’s universal and the Birch–Murnaghan equation of state. It appears that the MGD and Mie–Gruneisen–Kieffer approach produce similar results, but that the last one better represents heat capacity below room temperature. For iron we show that the high temperature behavior of thermal expansivity can be explained within the Calphad approach by a pressure-dependent Curie temperature with a slope between –1 and 0 K/GPa.

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