
This paper presents the results of kinematical studies of glass transition and crystallization in glassy Se85-xTe15Sbx (x = 2, 4, 6 and 8) using differential scan- ning calorimetry (DSC). From the dependence on heating rates of, the glass transition temperatures (Tg), and tem- perature of crystallization (Tp) the activation energy for glass transition (Eg) and the activation energy for crystal- lization (Ec) are calculated and their composition depen- dence can be discussed in term of the average coordination number and cohesive energy. The thermal stability of Se85-xTe15Sbx was evaluated in terms of criterion DT = Tc - Tg and kinetic criteria K(Tg) and K(Tp). By analyzing the crystallization results, the crystallization mechanism is characterized. Two (two- and three-dimensional growth) mechanisms are working simultaneously during the amor- phous-crystalline transformation of the Se83Te15Sb3 alloy while only one (three-dimensional growth) mechanism is responsible for the crystallization process of the chalcog- enides Se85-xTe15Sbx (x = 4, 6 and 8) glass. The phases at which the alloy crystallizes after the thermal process have been identified by X-ray diffraction.

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