
Geothermal data from 248 wells and drill holes, a thermal model for the effects of the Snake Plain aquifer on observed heat flow, an estimate of the regional heat flow in the eastern Snake River Plain, a detailed moving source, regional thermal model, and a discussion of the origin and the relationship of the eastern and western halves of the Snake River Plain are included in this paper. In order to determine the thermal structure of the eastern Snake River Plain, an extensive geothermal gradient and heat flow survey was carried out. Data from 248 holes show high heat flow values along the margins but low values along the center because of effects of the extensive Snake Plain aquifer. Based on a thermal model of the aquifer, a heat budget was derived from which a mean heat flow for the eastern Snake River Plain of 190 m W m−2 was calculated. This value can be compared to observed values along the margins of 120 mW m−2 and two values in deep holes along the northeastern margin of 110 and 109 mW m−2. The areas of highest expected values, in the Island Park caldera region, have not been sampled by heat flow measurements, however. Based on the heat flow results from the eastern and the western Snake River Plain and other geophysical and geological data, a finite‐width moving‐source‐plane thermal model is developed for the Snake River Plain. Even though the geological and geophysical characteristics of the eastern and western Snake River Plain are somewhat different, they are attributed to the same moving heat source, and the spatial geological and geophysical differences are explained by different stages in a time‐related sequence of thermally driven geological and tectonic events. The Snake River Plain is due to a strong thermal source interacting with the crust with the resulting complete chemical reorganization of the crust. The major immediate driving mechanism is a thick mafic intrusive emplaced in the midlevels of the crust. Associated with this thermal event are regional uplift of a kilometer or so as the heating occurs, associated melting of the upper crust, and subsequent rapid subsidence of approximately 1/2 to 1 km because of the change in density of the crust and upper mantle section associated with the emplacement of the basic intrusive and the disruption of the granitic upper crust. After the heat source moves eastward, continued subsidence occurs due to cooling of the lithospheric section (similar to that seen for oceanic regions). Along with the subsidence and soon after completion of the extensive silicic volcanism, basalts began to be extruded. Thermal contraction also generates faulting on the sides and perhaps in the center of the hot spot track. The subsidence causes reversal of the dips of the silicic ash flows from their initial away‐from‐the‐source configuration, to the toward‐the‐source configuration observed in the Snake River Plain. Continued subsidence and cooling cause the formation of the basin which is then filled by sediments, causing additional subsidence due to isostatic adjustment (the western Snake River basin). Thus all aspects of the Snake River Plain‐Yellowstone region are consequences of a single thermal event, and all stages in the future history of the Yellowstone region and the past history of the western Snake River basin are represented by westward or eastward traverses (respectively) along the Snake River Plain.

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